Windsor Chairmaking Book

Windsor Chairmaking

The first book about the making and design of Windsor chairs is written with a broad readership in mind.


Written by professional Windsor chairmaker James Mursell, this book was published in 2010. Written with a broad readership in mind and is aimed at existing Windsor chairmakers and also at those who are contemplating making their first chair.

Chapter 3 discusses the tools needed for Windsor chairmaking; the choice of woods and their pros and cons; and equipment, such as the steambox, that is needed.

Chapter 4 takes the reader through all the techniques that are required for making Windsor chairs.

Detailed plans are included for two English and two American chairs. It is also aimed at those who are interested in both English and American Windsor chairs – dealing with them together throughout the book for the first time.

Those who wish to make chairs in the same way that they were made in the 18th century will find chapter 7 particularly interesting, as it discusses the lessons to be learned from the toolmarks left by an English maker on a chair dating from around 1750.

Finally chapter 8 covers design and looks at the subtle messages that can be sent out by a chair which can be interpreted in the same way as human body language.

The book had 192 pages and is filled with colour photographs and line drawings throughout.

Chapter headings

  1. Introduction
  2. Historical background
  3. Materials, equipment and tools
  4. Processes and techniques
  5. Two English chairs including plans
  6. Two American chairs including plans
  7. Lessons from the past
  8. Body language of chairs: shape and design
  9. Other Windsor furniture

Book Review

Below is a review of my Windsor Chairmaking book, written by Michael Huntley’s (Guild of Master Craftsmen).